If you haven't noticed, it has been a while since I have posted anything. It's not because things have been boring around here, in fact it is quite the opposite! As previously mentioned, the poor lil man had Bronchialitis. He finally got the OK from the doc that he was over it, but shortly thereafter relapsed and it was beyond a nightmare. He was coughing nonstop, put on a nebulizer, and he HATED that thing. So, once he finally got better from that.... we had maybe 2 days of calm, and then the ear infection hit. He was put on his first round of antibiotics ever and took a few days to feel better but finally did. However, during those 2 weeks of sickness, he had no appetite and therefore, is now playing catchup, even in the middle of the night, he is hungry 24/7. It seems like we may now be in the clear of these chain reactions now.
Today it has snowed since we woke up and they are calling for up to 20 inches, Im sure it will not amount to that but its the biggest snow we have had in a LONG time. I guess that makes this Cole's real first big snow. We let him watch it out the window and he was mesmerized. We had a good snow day with him, we all ate breakfast, watched a movie, made christmas cookies and then more movies and dinner... It is so nice having time with Cole on the weekends. I barely get 2 hours in with him on days that I work. I never realized how hard it is to find a balance in life. But, I am happy, and so is my family and that is what counts the most.
Last night we started letting Cole learn to eat finger food, we started him on those melting little puffs and it blows my mind away that he immediately knew how to chew. It's not that I thought I would have to teach him, I just never thought about it at all. Babies are amazing, every day, in every way. :)
We took some festive pictures today :)