April 26, 2010

Mr. Walker

It's been so long, and I honestly feel terrible, but Cole has kept me busy as well as a promotion at work , planning a wedding, planning Cole's 1st b-day and taking a MBA class. Either way, I have news, and I am MAKING time to post this the same night it happened. It started only 2 days ago, with a step or two here, then yesterday Cole took about 5 steps. Today, he walked, and with each passing second he is getting better and better. He is especially fascinated in my overly loud and squealing celebrations with each step he takes. It's only been about 30 minutes since he took those first real steps but he is already choosing to make that his main mode of transportation. Oh, how did we get him to decide he was no longer afraid to walk? Only, by Pizza Motivation! Wow, I cannot believe ... already... to think he was still not even born at this time last year...

p.s. please exuse the mess, just got home....

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