November 15, 2009

Breathe, Stretch, REACH, let it go....

When you become a mother you are fully aware of the nightmares of messy diapers, endless crying and sleepless nights. However, nobody truly prepares you for the experience of reaching. Cole has now discovered reaching, which do not get me wrong, we noticed a few weeks ago and we are proud of him for accomplishing the reach and grab. At first we thought, "aw, how cute, he reaches for my hair, except ouch that hurts a bit, oh well, its cute". Then we thought, "aw how cute, he's trying to reach for our food".

Now our thoughts have turned into (don't forget, only two weeks later) "Cole, stop that, it hurts... no Cole, that's Mommy's dinner... Cole you really shouldn't be reaching for the steak knife, it could hurt you... Cole, Im trying to feed you, stop grabbing your spoon every time it comes close to your wide-opened mouth...."

Oh my.. what are we in for!?!?!?!? Cute, but dangerous.

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