February 6, 2010


I have said time and time again how interesting it is to watch the developmental stages that Cole goes through; and I will say it many more times, it is so interesting and so much fun. Scott and I had NO idea what people were talking about before we had Cole when they described how rewarding a child is. We get it now, and believe that as much as you want to get it, you never will until you go through it... A lot of things in life are like that (being in a war, marriage, .... have to stop my train of thought there because Cole is currently destroying my printer... o my , why am I excited that he's crawling? hahahah.. here are new videos of coley's new stages... trying to learn to walk and giving mommy big sloppy kisses....


  1. OOOOMMMMGGG Jen! he is the cutest thing ever! I can't imagine how fun he is and how great it feels to be a mommy! u seem like a wonderful mommmy! miss u!

  2. great vids Jenn. Can't believe how big he is and as I've said before, I can't wait to meet the guy



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