September 30, 2009

Tongue Found

Cole found out that he has control over his tongue and he hasn't stopped sticking it out at everyone for two days now! It's adorable!

September 29, 2009


Today Cole has decided that he is daddy's lil man. He cried visibly for his daddy for the first time! Every time Scott would give him to me or walk out of the room, Cole would whine until I took him to where Scott was or gave him back to Scott. It sucked for me but was still so cute to see the son and father bond starting to emerge. I know it's tough for a father in the first few months because of the mother/child dynamic. I just hope that Cole and I's bond continues to grow as he gets closer to daddy too.

September 27, 2009

Video Collage

I made a collage of a few recent videos of Cole. He is doing much better with solids and even plays with his food- which is hilarious. We started squash yesterday and he seems to actually like that better than the bananas. I must say that I love every smile that crosses his face. He is a very serious baby, but his smiles make my heart warm. Cole is officially in size 3 diapers as of last week too.. thats sad, he's growing so fast. He's really close to rolling over and sitting up on his own too. He can sit on his own for a few seconds even, sometimes a few minutes. He has this cute little security puppy blanket/stuffed animal. This morning, Cole and I took a 2 hour nap together on the couch and it was my favorite part of the past week- I loved waking up and seeing his peaceful baby face next to me!

September 23, 2009


and I found the perfect costume...

Doctuh Doctuh...

Cole had his 4 month checkup today. His Nana Harris took him and she said he did pretty well with his shots- only cried a short period of time. He weighs 14lbs 11oz and is 2feet tall exactly. He slept a lot after his shots and the doctor noted that he is very strong for his age. I'll have to start calling him Bam-Bam!

Every day with Cole gets better and better!

September 19, 2009

4 Months v2.0

Cole has recovered from his cold and is back to his happy self that I almost forgot existed. He is also back to sleeping through the night which has lead to sane parents for him! Cole is now a few days older than 4 months but I finally can post a few pictures of him at 4 months now that he has stopped fussing all day and night. We fed Cole some bananas with his breakfast bottle today. He actually did really well, he ate a good bit without a fuss tho he did make faces, cmon man even I think they taste good, how can't he?! Here are some pictures :

September 16, 2009

4 Months Old

Cole is 4 months old today. He is almost sitting up by himself and we can start solid foods soon.. oops we already tried once haha. He is teething hardcore so he is super fussy and not himself and basically driving us crazy because when he cries we want to help him but there is nothing we can do. One of the hardest things of being a parent is having the desire to nurture and care for the person you love but to not have any way to help them when they are in need as a baby. I really cannot wait until Cole can communicate, I remember I have said this before. It is not for my own selfish reasons but so that I can better meet his needs. It breaks my heart to see him in pain. Another really sad part, I have no pictures of him on his 4monthday because he wont stop crying long enough to take one :( He fusses at the bottle so we cant feed him and this is the hardest thing I have ever been through in my life. You can seriously look into Scott and I's eyes and see that there is nothing there, we feel like robots. We are exhausted and pulled to our ends with giving and we need a break. Being a parent, you don't get a break, and in the end it is worth it but in the seconds that tick by when you are going through the rough times, it is really really hard to see straight.

September 13, 2009


Cole has his first cold.. he kept us up ALL night . We could not believe how much he cried and cried with no break. I took him to the dr. and she said he has an upper respiratory infection and should be better in about 3 days. Poor little guy, it's so tough to watch him suffer and not be able to help him... On a better note here is some fun:

This is Cole on his first day of daycare- so handsome:

The week before I was due with Cole, I had this panic attack because we did not have a tub for him to bathe in. My mom hunted down the tub I wanted and got it and we didnt use it until last week, oh pregnant women:

And this is just cute:

September 7, 2009

Peekaboo I see new room

This weekend we took Cole back to my parents' house to hang with his nana and pap. He had such a good time, even though he hasn't been himself due to teething. Man, I was not prepared for the nightmare that teething has become. He is so fussy and only himself for about an hour or two a day and I can't wait for it all to be over because it's tough to see him with his pout lip because he's not feeling his best. Can't wait to have happy baby Cole back. My Aunt thought it would be a great idea to put her sunglasses on Cole and he got a kick out of it.

When we got back today we finished getting Cole's crib ready. He is going to sleep in it for the first time tonight (SO CUTE!) Also we finished hanging some fun stuff up in his room... its not really any certain theme but its a fun mixture of rock star, animal, baby blue.. you do what you can right? haha. Cole played in his new crib for a little , he seems to like it, let's just hope it is conducive to sleep! :)

Cole starts his new daycare center tomorrow. He will be going there three days a week- I am very excited about it, it's like a baby pre pre preschool. They teach them baby sign language and engage them in all of the brain stimulating activities that I would if I were a stay at home mom. I am so excited for him to grow developmentally at this center but am a little anxious to see how it turns out. Here's to a new step...

September 2, 2009


So, I got ahead of myself today and decided to start with rice cereal with cole a week ahead of time and I say it didn't go AWFUL.. but it will be a learned practice! Here's the video:


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