September 16, 2009

4 Months Old

Cole is 4 months old today. He is almost sitting up by himself and we can start solid foods soon.. oops we already tried once haha. He is teething hardcore so he is super fussy and not himself and basically driving us crazy because when he cries we want to help him but there is nothing we can do. One of the hardest things of being a parent is having the desire to nurture and care for the person you love but to not have any way to help them when they are in need as a baby. I really cannot wait until Cole can communicate, I remember I have said this before. It is not for my own selfish reasons but so that I can better meet his needs. It breaks my heart to see him in pain. Another really sad part, I have no pictures of him on his 4monthday because he wont stop crying long enough to take one :( He fusses at the bottle so we cant feed him and this is the hardest thing I have ever been through in my life. You can seriously look into Scott and I's eyes and see that there is nothing there, we feel like robots. We are exhausted and pulled to our ends with giving and we need a break. Being a parent, you don't get a break, and in the end it is worth it but in the seconds that tick by when you are going through the rough times, it is really really hard to see straight.

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