September 7, 2009

Peekaboo I see new room

This weekend we took Cole back to my parents' house to hang with his nana and pap. He had such a good time, even though he hasn't been himself due to teething. Man, I was not prepared for the nightmare that teething has become. He is so fussy and only himself for about an hour or two a day and I can't wait for it all to be over because it's tough to see him with his pout lip because he's not feeling his best. Can't wait to have happy baby Cole back. My Aunt thought it would be a great idea to put her sunglasses on Cole and he got a kick out of it.

When we got back today we finished getting Cole's crib ready. He is going to sleep in it for the first time tonight (SO CUTE!) Also we finished hanging some fun stuff up in his room... its not really any certain theme but its a fun mixture of rock star, animal, baby blue.. you do what you can right? haha. Cole played in his new crib for a little , he seems to like it, let's just hope it is conducive to sleep! :)

Cole starts his new daycare center tomorrow. He will be going there three days a week- I am very excited about it, it's like a baby pre pre preschool. They teach them baby sign language and engage them in all of the brain stimulating activities that I would if I were a stay at home mom. I am so excited for him to grow developmentally at this center but am a little anxious to see how it turns out. Here's to a new step...

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