I know it's a week after the fact, but I just now finished putting away all Cole's new toys from Christmas and finally have time to make a post about his first big holiday. Going into this Christmas, I thought Cole would be fun, but he surpassed my expectations. He got excited for the presents and had a blast with the family, attention and new toys. Some of the things he got for his first Christmas :
Tons of clothes
Bead Maze
Bead Maze
Fire Truck - ride on
Rocking Horse
Blocks (baby's 1st)
Bath Seat
Megaphone (which was originally Pappy's present but was given to Cole when he liked it too much)
Table for his room
Too much more to even remember
Cole is growing up before our eyes and surprises us every day with his abilities. Sometimes we will see him do something and be like "WHAT.. where did that come from" Christmas night he started waving bye-bye and proceeded to do that when someone left for a few days. However, he doesnt seem that interested in it much anymore... He also started holding his own bottle in the past two weeks... He is too adorable, when he gets all excited he bounces and bounces ... cute little Monkey. I still enjoy every second I am with him. Below are some pictures and video from Christmas and more.
Just caught up on the blog Jenn. Awesome! It's cool watching Colton grow up online. Can't wait to meet the guy in person.