January 12, 2010

Scoochy Scoochy Lemon Poochy

I guess as he gets older, the posting is going to get less often because I am more entertained spending time with my soon to be toddler. Cole has turned yet another corner in the past few weeks. He has become even sturdier and has now started scooching to get to what he wants. This transition became evident this past weekend when he was reaching for his Pap's Ipod and learned that if he got on his knees then went to belly and back to knees he would move forward- Crawling is just around the corner, o help us!

Last Friday evening we spent some time with the Friedrichsens and Cole had a blast playing with his buddy Aspen and eating Grace's amazing sweet potato fries. We are so lucky to have friends like Mark and Grace in our lives. Not only are they friends, they are mentors because they had their son a week more than a year before we had Cole. Like ours, theirs was an unexpected pregnancy. Mark and Grace have been so supportive of us and have helped us through such a scary (due to the unknown) time in our life by showing us the lessons they had learned and encouraging our every move. I can not wait to watch Cole and Aspen grow up together!

Another recent event; Cole was promoted to Infant room B at daycare. This means he will be socialized more, learn to nap elsewhere than cribs, and taught more independent skills. He will have new teachers and new friends, but I hope his girlfriend, Emma joins him soon.

Below are some pictures and videos displaying the above :) Enjoy!

I fell asleep eating my evening bottle- wooo I was worn out

Aspen shows Cole how the dump truck works- how sweet

They could be brothers

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