April 26, 2010

Mr. Walker

It's been so long, and I honestly feel terrible, but Cole has kept me busy as well as a promotion at work , planning a wedding, planning Cole's 1st b-day and taking a MBA class. Either way, I have news, and I am MAKING time to post this the same night it happened. It started only 2 days ago, with a step or two here, then yesterday Cole took about 5 steps. Today, he walked, and with each passing second he is getting better and better. He is especially fascinated in my overly loud and squealing celebrations with each step he takes. It's only been about 30 minutes since he took those first real steps but he is already choosing to make that his main mode of transportation. Oh, how did we get him to decide he was no longer afraid to walk? Only, by Pizza Motivation! Wow, I cannot believe ... already... to think he was still not even born at this time last year...

p.s. please exuse the mess, just got home....

March 8, 2010


I decided to let go of my worries and feed Colton his FIRST all big boy dinner tonight. On the menu, prepared by Mommy, Chicken and Pesto Pasta with a side of fresh green beans and half of a fresh banana for desert. I gave him a pretty decent sized portion and he ate 80% of it , at least. The other 10% was left on the plate and surprisingly only about 10% on the floor ! Of course I have video, but that will have to follow.. been a long day and Im too tired!

Cole has been sleeping well, eating like a king and trying very hard to walk.. soon soon soon.

One other thing, yesterday Cole had his first experience with a swing at the park, he was not amused, complacent only. I will post those pics when they are available! Okay, sorry for the quick and non witty post. Cole is too much fun to play with !

February 6, 2010


I have said time and time again how interesting it is to watch the developmental stages that Cole goes through; and I will say it many more times, it is so interesting and so much fun. Scott and I had NO idea what people were talking about before we had Cole when they described how rewarding a child is. We get it now, and believe that as much as you want to get it, you never will until you go through it... A lot of things in life are like that (being in a war, marriage, .... have to stop my train of thought there because Cole is currently destroying my printer... o my , why am I excited that he's crawling? hahahah.. here are new videos of coley's new stages... trying to learn to walk and giving mommy big sloppy kisses....

January 27, 2010

Crawling ........ For Real

Yesterday, Colton crawled for real, forward, on hands and knees. I got so excited, I swear each milestone makes me more and more excited. Watching a baby grow up is so fascinating and I am so thankful for this experience, especially to be experiencing it with my amazing son and all of our loved ones. GO COLEY!

January 16, 2010


On Wednesday (1/13/10) I got a text from Nana Harris that said "COLE HAS A TOOTH!!! HE BIT ME" ... His first tooth finally came in!!! It's one of the bottom middle teeth.

YAY - he is really growing up!

January 12, 2010

Scoochy Scoochy Lemon Poochy

I guess as he gets older, the posting is going to get less often because I am more entertained spending time with my soon to be toddler. Cole has turned yet another corner in the past few weeks. He has become even sturdier and has now started scooching to get to what he wants. This transition became evident this past weekend when he was reaching for his Pap's Ipod and learned that if he got on his knees then went to belly and back to knees he would move forward- Crawling is just around the corner, o help us!

Last Friday evening we spent some time with the Friedrichsens and Cole had a blast playing with his buddy Aspen and eating Grace's amazing sweet potato fries. We are so lucky to have friends like Mark and Grace in our lives. Not only are they friends, they are mentors because they had their son a week more than a year before we had Cole. Like ours, theirs was an unexpected pregnancy. Mark and Grace have been so supportive of us and have helped us through such a scary (due to the unknown) time in our life by showing us the lessons they had learned and encouraging our every move. I can not wait to watch Cole and Aspen grow up together!

Another recent event; Cole was promoted to Infant room B at daycare. This means he will be socialized more, learn to nap elsewhere than cribs, and taught more independent skills. He will have new teachers and new friends, but I hope his girlfriend, Emma joins him soon.

Below are some pictures and videos displaying the above :) Enjoy!

I fell asleep eating my evening bottle- wooo I was worn out

Aspen shows Cole how the dump truck works- how sweet

They could be brothers

January 2, 2010

The Christmas Post

I know it's a week after the fact, but I just now finished putting away all Cole's new toys from Christmas and finally have time to make a post about his first big holiday. Going into this Christmas, I thought Cole would be fun, but he surpassed my expectations. He got excited for the presents and had a blast with the family, attention and new toys. Some of the things he got for his first Christmas :

Tons of clothes
Bead Maze
Fire Truck - ride on
Rocking Horse
Blocks (baby's 1st)
Bath Seat
Megaphone (which was originally Pappy's present but was given to Cole when he liked it too much)
Table for his room
Too much more to even remember

Cole is growing up before our eyes and surprises us every day with his abilities. Sometimes we will see him do something and be like "WHAT.. where did that come from" Christmas night he started waving bye-bye and proceeded to do that when someone left for a few days. However, he doesnt seem that interested in it much anymore... He also started holding his own bottle in the past two weeks... He is too adorable, when he gets all excited he bounces and bounces ... cute little Monkey. I still enjoy every second I am with him. Below are some pictures and video from Christmas and more.


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