August 29, 2009

Moving Moving Moving,

FYI- been absent from blogging for a bit and will probably be quite absent for about another week. Cole is doing so fantastic! He is so adorable and his personality is really starting to show. Today we took him to Hibachi for lunch and I played with him by clapping his hands and singing the cops theme song to him and he laughed and laughed and it was my favorite moment ever so far. Anyways, the reason for lack of bloggage haha .. is we are moving into a new place, much bigger, much nicer and Colton is going to love it. We can't wait to have more of a home for our family than the small apt we are living in now. We bought a dining room table and I cant wait to put colton at it in his high chair haha. So, because we are going to be moving all week, I probably will not be blogging again until next weekend unless something monumental occurs. Stay tuned.. :) Wish us luck!

P.S here is a picture of Cole in his first ever shopping cart seat. We took him to get decorations and curtains for our new place and tried the shopping cart out, he loved it but we soon took him out because he still is a bit wobbly! :)

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