October 24, 2009

Jas and Coley and Such

On Monday, my camera broke. On Tuesday I went out and immediately bought a new one because I refuse to take the risk of possibly missing any moments in Cole's life that I want to hold on to and be able to look back and cherish.

Cole started on Peaches this morning, he didn't seem to like them as much as bananas and pears. Next I think we will do carrots, I am very curious to see if he will like those!

Today, Daddy is at work, so Cole and I are having another day together. Right now he is taking a nap in his crib and I thought while he napped I would get some stuff done but honestly, I love watching him sleep so much. At night, he falls asleep in my arms and it is extremely hard to put him down for the night in his crib. His face is so peaceful and darling while he is sleeping. Everyone says that having a kid is the hardest, yet best thing that ever happens to you. It is the most cliche, yet true, sentence I have ever heard. It is so much work to get through just a single day successfully with a baby. However, at the end of the day, when you stare at their precious face and smile, and then they smile back, it is the biggest reward that could ever be imagined. I have accomplished a good deal in my life, at least in my eyes, I ran several associations, created and hosted a phenomenal community service project, even made a short film, I graduated college with highest honors, got the exact job I worked to get, received several awards, yet none of this, even combined, could compare to the accomplishment felt when Cole shows signs of his love for me.

Later today we are going to go work on special christmas presents for Cole's grandparents from Cole, but I can't say much more than that because they read this! I am so excited.

Cole LOVES Jasmine- Whenever he sees her his eyes light up and get so big. He loves to pet her and I think she is finally warming up to him as well. She only likes him for short periods of time but thats so much better than how she was when we first brought him home! Let's see the comparison



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