October 3, 2009


Cole's Nana and Pap came to visit him today. We took him shopping and to dinner and he was a great baby in public all day. Except , he didn't nap much, so at the end of the day he was mr. fussy pants. It's so amazing to see him smile, it's my favorite thing in the whole world , which sounds very cliche but its truer than I can convey.

Update on sitting, he can sit by himself for a very long time now.. but I still wouldn't leave him sitting up unattended.. after a few minutes he tends to get tired and fall in one direction or another.

We started to feed him sweet potatoes today. He loves them, he doesn't really seem to like the taste of the canned bananas but he does like fresh bananas. As for squash, that was second to introduce and it seems to be hit or miss depending on his mood!

I am so amazed every day at the love I have for Cole .. especially after struggling with postpartum depression. When you are going through PPD, you can't even IMAGINE feeling the feelings that I now have. I'm so grateful to overcome this and have overwhelming love for my son.

Here are some recent pics:

Cole passed out on his Pap

Cole's first ride in the big boy part of the stroller- he looks so bad a$$!

We wanted to take fall pics with a pumpkin but all we could find was a watermelon:

1 comment:

  1. These pics of Cole with the watermelon are absolutely adorable! His expression on his face makes me chuckle every time. He is one cute lil man!



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