October 12, 2009

mommy buddy day

Today is a Mommy and Coley day- I have off work so we are just hanging out together all day and he's delightful! He ate some nanners this morning and before that he slept til 745 and then he took about an hour nap while I cleaned. I wish every day could be like today! Right now Coley is playing in his island - it's so fun to watch him, he actually plays with the toys on there now and he loves playing with his rattles and links- he throws them across the room! When we were at Nana's this weekend, he was in an old-school walker on the kitchen floor and actually was walking in it - he got SOOO tickled, I regret that I do not have it on video!

I have some new pics!

Nana bought Cole a new paci- its too funny:

Big boy sitting up again

One of my fav pics so far- Pap put headphones on Cole and he LOVED listening to the music, plus looks majorly adorable:

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